Hrigaia Project

The restoration of “the human being” and “Nature” to their Original State

The meaning of “Eukanthos”:
Eukanthos is a compound word made up of the word akanthos which in Ancient Greek means thorn, (the opposite (a) of anthos, flower), and eu which means good. Eukanthos therefore means a good thorn like the therapeutic bee sting. Metaphorically speaking it means that the truth, when presented to those who avoid facing it, may not be so pleasant at first, but is ultimately beneficial!

The meaning of Hrigaia:
denotes the union of all enlightened qualities with GAIA Earth, the ground of our transcendental expression.

The following gives a general idea. Those who resonate with this project and wish to be part of it project, either starting with their friends or even applying the know-how to their farms, get in touch with me (contact info at the end) and I will personally send you more information free of charge. However, the best way to learn is to join me for some time. I can accommodate you at this moment.


Overview of the Hrigaia Project

Reading time: 8 minutes.

What is the aim of the project?

It aims to restore man and nature to their original state. This involves first restoring man which in turn enables the restoration of Nature, as the two are directly connected.
As the original blueprint of man is gradually restored, an “original instinct” of harmonious resonance with the subtle invisible world of Nature emerges. This is an intuitive “knowing” that helps us to unleash the full potential of Nature and bring about unparalleled transformation on earth.

Creating an “Original Ecosystem”

When a core group of people has completed this process, they can prepare their HOME in nature by creating an “original ecosystem”. Once everything is ready, doors will open for others to join the experience. As this process is not a study object, it is important that participants stay long-term to immerse themselves in the process. Living in such ideal conditions will renew their inspiration and enhance their personal development.

Can you say a little more about the “original instinct”?

First of all, the “original instinct” has nothing to do with remote viewing or mediumship, as it is the result of a deep understanding of how Nature works. This allows for fine-tuning actions that align with its subtle workings and processes. As this instinct develops, one begins to spontaneously “guess” the parameters that determine what will grow, when, and where, and act as Nature would. This includes:

Improving the soil: Select the appropriate additives, in the right amounts, and at the right time to improve soil fertility.

Sowing seeds: Choosing the right seeds, in the right quantity, and at the right time to increase biodiversity.

Thinning: Selecting which plants to thin, where to move them, and how to space them to optimize growth.

Tree Placement: Identifying the best locations for each tree, considering factors such as geopathic stress zones.

Irrigation: Intuitively determining the right amount of water for each plant, without over- or under-watering.

Even simple tasks like watering plants become more intuitive when you develop the ability to “feel” the right amount of water. This instinct can also guide decisions such as sowing seeds without using clay pellets when several days of rain are guessed right to last, ensuring that the seeds have a chance to grow without being eaten by insects and birds.

What is an “original ecosystem”?

An “original ecosystem” refers to a unique, self-sustaining ecosystem that existed in the distant past, such as on the ancient continent of Aigiis in the Aegean Sea. This ecosystem is characterized by hundreds of plants and tree species, a combination of endemic and common edible fruits that coexist harmoniously as one complete organism. It is a treasure of unparalleled beauty, with ever-increasing fertility and the ability to nourish and satisfy all vital needs, making agriculture superfluous.

Where is it today?

Although many have tried to do something similar with remarkable results, the human factor has always prevailed. In this method, however, Nature has the first word, so to my knowledge it has never been done before. It is a first-time endeavor. After 12 years of experimentation, I am confident that it will work.
Letting Nature do the work means that in everything we do, we need to mimic Nature which has been proven to thrive for thousands of years without human intervention. Wild trees, for example, do not need manure to grow. We too, only use the bare minimum, which is what the trees get from the droppings of wild animals.

Which method is similar to yours?

My method shares similarities with vegan permaculture and is an advancement of Masanobu Fukuoka’s “natural farming” technique. The underlying philosophy remains the same. While Fukuoka focuses on farming with common crops without hastening the regeneration process, I concentrate on a mixed ecosystem of wild and common plants using natural means to accelerate regeneration. There is no plowing, weeding, chemical fertilization, or pruning in “natural farming”.

Can Nature regenerate itself?

Nature is capable of recovering on its own, as seen in the aftermath of a forest fire when the forest or jungle is allowed to heal naturally. As the resistant varieties take hold, this recovery is limited, and biodiversity will never increase. It is only when human intelligence merges with Nature’s processes that true regeneration occurs. By introducing new seeds of species that existed there in the distant past, the soil becomes incredibly fertile, biodiversity increases, and gradually even the micro-climate changes.

What are the steps to create it?

The first and most crucial step is to build fertile soil. As soil has been degraded by aggressive farming practices and by repeated plowing, we need to restore it quickly. This involves planting a specific mix of plants to create a robust root system incorporating organic matter, and utilizing natural fertilizers.
These natural additives include organic matter (mulch or compost) of plant origin, microorganisms (such as mycelia and endemic species) that are propagated, trace elements like Ormus (monoatomic elements sourced from the sea), rock dust, and biochar with a sponge-like structure that serves as a habitat for microorganisms and protects them from harsh environmental conditions. These components are either mixed into compost, spread everywhere, and/or combined with water and sprayed.
Then, according to Masanobu Fukuoka’s principles of “natural farming”, biodiversity is enhanced by dispersing a wide variety of seeds encapsulated in clay pellets for protection. Initially, seeds of plants that enhance soil quality are sown, followed by seeds of over 300 different species, including common and wild varieties, edible and non-edible plants, trees, vines, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. The germination process (which seeds, when, and where) is left to nature, allowing for a natural increase in biodiversity. While the initial stages require significant effort, subsequent sowings over a few years demand minimal maintenance, such as periodic watering and the implementation of strategic techniques like pruning dry branches and leaving them to decompose on the ground. This allows Nature to continue improving on its own. This approach enables nature to thrive independently, effectively reversing the decline of the plant kingdom caused by human activities.

Are there any additional elements in the way that everything is set up?

The project incorporates additional elements, such as an aquatic ecosystem for irrigation (where we also mix our natural fertilizers), and a retractable-roof greenhouse to provide plants with the full spectrum of sunlight, among others.

Do you have the means to bring this project to completion?

With 12 years of experience and expertise in various fields, I have the means to bring this project to completion. This includes finding suitable land, establishing a group of people in the ecosystem area, and setting up an education facility. The project can be implemented in any country with willing people and available funds.

Can you elaborate on the harmonious interactions that occur in such ecosystem?

There is so much that can be said about this topic… In short, the ideal scenario for plants is to have companions, like in a high biodiversity forest, where every kind of plant and tree from all of the different layers (tall and short trees, shrubs, and lower plants) contributes in its unique way creating a harmonious balance that benefits the entire ecosystem. For instance, certain plants may attract beneficial insects that help pollinate other species, while others may provide nutrients to neighboring plants through their root systems using the mycelium fungi, the “wires” of a communication network that facilitate the exchange of substances, communication, and mutual support between them. This interconnected web of relationships fosters resilience and sustainability within the ecosystem, ensuring its long-term health and vitality.
Additionally, there are balanced interactions that happen with animals and the five elements. Leaf-eating insects, for example, stimulate plant growth by consuming large watery leaves in the spring, prompting the plants to grow smaller leaves with lower water content that can withstand summer heat. It is important to allow these interactions to occur naturally. And an example with the elements: There is a direct correlation between vegetation and rainfall. Trees act like antennas that magnetize rain and particularly during periods of drought, emit highly sticky, biogenic, volatile organic compounds that attract water vapor present in the atmosphere to form droplets and cause rain. This operation happens mostly with large trees, the targets of the loggers, and then without them, no wonder why there is so much drought. There is also an important element that is beyond the scope of understanding for many. The Natural world is “ruled” by Elementals, the ethereal forces of Nature which conduct all processes. Because they do not exist in degenerated environments, the original ecosystem is the ideal environment for them to live. They will ensure that everything works in perfect order.

Does the creation of the “original ecosystem” have anything to do with the philosophy and worldview of Masanobu Fukuoka (the father of “natural farming”)?

Yes, it does. To successfully create such an ecosystem, one must be open to learning, flexible, and free from fixed beliefs. A genuine desire for truth and self-awareness is essential for awakening one’s inner abilities and naturally caring for Nature. It is crucial to recognize and address any limiting factors or narrow visions that may hinder progress because they can lead to fragmented action lacking wisdom. Ultimately, regenerating the original ecosystem is about returning to our original blueprint and living in harmony with Nature.

What are the benefits and advantages of this ecosystem?

The benefits and advantages of this natural ecosystem are numerous:

Reconnecting with Our Heritage
This original ecosystem represents our natural heritage. Immersing ourselves in it evokes a sense of belonging as if we are returning to our ancestral home. This connection inspires us to actively participate in restoring balance into nature, a process distinct from conventional farming. Our efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Nutritious and Abundant Harvest
Through the harmonious interactions of various species and the reversion of plants to their ancestral forms, this ecosystem yields a harvest of exceptional quality with high nutritional value. This abundance provides us with excellent health and fulfills our diverse needs.

 Income Generation Opportunities
Apart from enjoying a wide variety of foods, we can generate income by trading superior quality fresh or dehydrated fruits, superfoods, and herbs.

Quality seed production
Producing high-quality seeds is vital for human survival and food security, because it ensures genetic diversity in plants and preserves a variety of genetic traits. This prevents plants from being susceptible to disease and, ensures better health for humans who consume them. For this, a unique seed bank and nursery can be created to support similar projects elsewhere.

Climate Regulation
This ecosystem creates a microclimate with pleasant temperatures, normalizes droughts and excess rainfall, and can even influence weather patterns on a large scale, demonstrating its remarkable ability to adapt to diverse environmental conditions.

Resilience and Sustainability
It exhibits exceptional resilience to challenges, including adverse climate conditions, pests, plagues, and diseases, ensuring its long-term sustainability.

Reforestation and Biodiversity
This ecosystem proves invaluable in reforestation efforts after forest fires, by reintroducing native trees that once thrived in the area, thereby increasing biodiversity. This approach differs significantly from contemporary efforts to re-green the planet.

 Fire Resistance
The dense vegetation of nonflammable species makes it impossible for the ecosystem to catch fire, providing an added layer of safety.

Human Benefits
Its presence benefits those who live within it and indirectly benefits all humanity. By fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and nature, we can enhance the quality of our lives. Adopting a peaceful diet that does not harm ourselves or other living beings and ensuring the survival of future generations are crucial aspects of this approach.

Global Impact
If humanity adopts this model on a large scale in different climate zones, it has the possibility of halting the decline of nature and promoting a more sustainable future.

Small-scale benefit.
The methodology can also be applied to small individual farms with limited benefits, but with a gain of personal experience.

A Brief Bio

From a young age, I felt an insatiable desire to understand the deeper meaning of existence. This quest for truth led me to leave my home country at 17 years old and spend the next 24 years traveling and living abroad. During this period, my sole focus was on seeking the profound truth in all aspects of life. To achieve this, I have dedicated myself to extensive studies across various disciplines, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the human condition.
In parallel, I maintained a simple lifestyle that prioritized psycho-physical health and balance. I acquired practical experience in multiple fields, including being a handyman and vegan chef. My connection with nature led me to spend 12 years immersed in the subtle world of Nature, experimenting with natural farming on seven different farms in Greece and Costa Rica.
In this experiment, I combined various practices and techniques, including Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming, vegan permaculture, innovative natural fertilizers, and expert gardening methods. Currently, I am conducting experiments on a one-acre plot in the Greek mountains to refine my understanding of small-scale natural farming. My long-term vision is to scale up this approach through collective action.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to reach out to me:

Yannis Diamantopoulos
skype: rikzin5
Telephone, WhatsApp, or Viber:

 Quest for Inner Wisdom

Inner wisdom arises when we cultivate “basic simplicity.” In today’s complex world, we are often far removed from such simplicity, leading us to seek more elaborate solutions. We find ourselves surrounded by thousands of New Age modalities and paths, but most of these solutions do not provide lasting results. We cannot even trust the logical constructs of mainstream science, the medical system, or other external authorities because they often alienate us from what is real. To reconnect with reality, we must follow simple, precise instructions, as described in the following story.

The Story of the Yak Herder

In East Tibet, a yak herder had an earnest wish to know the nature of his “mind” As he lived in a very remote area, he had to walk for days to reach a Lama (teacher) to receive instructions. When he arrived, he asked the traditional question: “How is my “mind” (my “core essence”)?” The teacher, perceiving his genuine simplicity, answered:  While sitting, meanwhile the yak is grazing, think that “Your mind is like the sky. Simply gaze at the sky and think that your mind is like the sky.” The herder had followed this advice for several years, but when clouds appeared, he was unsure what to think. So he set off again on the long journey to ask the Lama about it. Upon his inquiry, the Lama answered: “View everything that arises in the mind like clouds, which appear and dissolve back into the mind.” The herder then went back and did so for several more years. Finally, he “understood”. Eager to thank the Lama for his enlightening instructions, he returned to him, but this time he was not walking but flying! When the Lama saw him arriving in this unusual way, bowing at his feet, he realized that the herder’s realization was greater than his own and that he was the one who should bow down to him instead.

To be involved in the Hrigaia Project, one must possess some degree of basic simplicity, like the yak herder.

Path to Inner Wisdom

The path to inner wisdom is a process of total realignment on all levels with our core essence.
The secret to success lies in the “freedom” of our innate state,
free from any influences that hinder natural functioning.
When we operate naturally,
everything follows its natural course,
and nature returns to its original state.